In Morocco, young people from the organization “Youth for peace and dialogue between culture” and the Anna Lindh foundation celebrated the second Mediterranean Day.

After its launch in 2021, on November 28, 2022, a new Mediterranean Day was celebrated by young people for peace in collaboration with the Anna Lindh Foundation, recognizing Mediterranean culture, cooperation and embracing the rich diversity of the region. A multitude of events and initiatives around music will be held throughout the region to celebrate this second edition.

An online campaign to reflect on the word “Mediterranean”

This year, the Union for the Mediterranean has launched the online campaign “The Mediterranean, a journey through the senses”, inviting citizens and organizations to take action and share through a short video, image or post which of their senses is awakened by the word “Mediterranean”. Throughout the year leading up to this edition, the Euro-Mediterranean ecosystem shared stories of initiatives and personalities, transcending cultures and generations, in a spirit of inclusiveness, diversity and cooperation.

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Wlad lhal Gnawa Music band (Gnawa designates a set of musical events, performances, fraternal practices and therapeutic rituals mixing the profane with the sacred. Gnawa is above all a music of Sufi brotherhood associated with lyrics with a generally religious content, invoking ancestors and Originally practiced by groups and individuals descended from slavery and the slave trade dating back at least to the 16th century, Gnawa culture is now considered part of the culture and identity of the multiple facets of Morocco.) and wlad Chikh Brahma (Moroccan folk group) offered a concert specially designed to celebrate Mediterranean Day on November 28 at the Mohammed Six Theater in the city of Oujda.

Organized free community musical performances

As part of Mediterranean Day and in coordination with the Union for the Mediterranean, the Anna Lindh Foundation also coordinated a unique celebration of the Mediterranean and its diversity at community level with the participation of civil society organizations from 25 countries, which organized 36 free community musical performances.

The action aims to contribute to creating a unique dynamic to embrace the diversity of the region and to promote intercultural exchanges by mobilizing the enthusiasm of the members of the national civil society networks ALF 41.

Strengthening the links between the two shores of the Mediterranean

Mediterranean Day aims to create a unique annual dynamic to give visibility to positive stories of cooperation in the region. This Day provides an annual opportunity to promote intercultural exchanges, celebrate cooperation, embrace diversity and strengthen ties between the two shores. It is also an opportunity to launch projects and initiatives and organize events, round tables, exhibitions and festivals throughout the region, promoting intercultural exchange and embracing diversity.

Mediterranean Day provides an annual opportunity to promote intercultural exchanges, celebrate cooperation, embrace diversity and strengthen ties between our two shores. We celebrate our shared identity, our common heritage and our love for the Mediterranean.