Youth for Peace secretariat participated in the eleventh session of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) at the  World Forum in The Hague, November 14-22. The annual meeting of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) adopted a program budget for the Court for 2013, elected a Deputy Prosecutor and other officials, and held substantive meetings on the issues of cooperation and complementarity. The Kingdom of the Netherlands also organized a tenth anniversary celebration of the Court in the presence of Queen Beatrix. Representatives from about 90 of the 121 States Parties, as well as observer states, including the United States, participated in the meetings.
Youth for Peace was one of many NGOs participating in the ASP, and it worked closely with the international NGO  Coalition for the ICC (CICC), of which Youth for Peace-Morocco is member in it network. The CICC represents over 2,500 member organizations internationally, and facilitates the participation of NGOs in ASP meetings as well as strategy sessions at them. Youth for Peace contributed extensively to the CICC’s thematic team papers on issues relevant to Youth for Peace’s advocacy. As part of its participation in the ASP, Youth for Peace attended the CICC’s annual Global Strategy Meeting and its Deputy Convener co-facilitated a session on campaign strategies for dealing with major powers such as the US. This included an extensive briefing on the US approach to the ICC as well as prospects and advocacy for a closer Morocco-ICC relations. Youth for Peace also held bilateral consultations with NGO representatives, including Youth for Peace members participating in the session, as well as relevant government delegations. Youth for Peace attended official ASP meetings and relevant side events organized by NGOs, and disseminated live updates to its constituents and the public through social media outlets
Participation of Morocco
Representatives of the Moroccan government participated extensively in the eleventh session of the ASP, as  Khalid Berjaoui Minister Delegate to the Minister of National Education and Vocational Training. Zakaria El hamel president and Founder of Youth for Peace and  Leila Hanafi Regional Coordinator, Middle East and North Africa

Coalition for the International Criminal Court|Coalition pour la Cour Pénale Internationale