Mr. Zakaria EL HAMEL, president of the Youth for Peace Association and Youth Peace Ambassador, paid a courtesy visit on July 26, accompanied by Mr. Bouchikhi from the same association, Mr. Damien and Mr. Mr. Akiya of the Youth Association for Human Rights International, whose headquarters are in Los Angeles, California, USA, to Her Excellency Gloria YOUNG Ambassador of the Republic of Panama in Rabat and Ambassador of Peace, for the Universal Circle of Ambassadors of Peace based in Switzerland and France. Mr. Zakaria EL HAMEL was named Ambassador of Peace in December 2014, by the World Council of the Universal Circle of Ambassadors of Peace, an international organization that aims to recognize the actions and contribution of women and men of all countries that support peace, individually, nationally and globally. Zakaria, a young man who contributes to the training of young people and future lawyers, nationally and internationally, carrying messages based on tolerance and peace. Within the framework of this mission, Zakaria affirms the need to establish a dialogue between different beliefs and religions to improve mutual harmony and coexistence among human beings. Her Excellency Gloria YOUNG congratulated the young Ambassador of Peace for his appointment to this position because it is recognition of serious work as well as congratulated Mr. Damien and his team for the efforts made by the Youth Association for Human Rights International ( YOUTH FOR PEACE AND DIALOGUE BETWEEN CULTURES), a non-profit organization whose goal is to build a world for young people of different origins and religions to understand each other, Help each other and respect your community. The interactive presentation of the work of the Association, before the Ambassador, made by Damien was a renewing and convenient tool for the activity of the association of these various youth activities. The appointment of the Ambassadors of Peace is part of the process of the UN program in the field of human rights. It is about accompanying the young people of the whole world teaching them the main elements of life. Panama is a country of peace, of dialogue, of respect for diverse beliefs, and Ambassador Gloria YOUNG shared with the visitors about the work with women and youth that she has carried out for years in her country. Zakaria presented Ambassador Gloria YOUNG with work materials and the first edition of the children’s rights to peace in Arabic. A beautiful job that involves synergies between young people from different countries. Likewise, he shared about the event with hundreds of young people that he had recently developed in Rabat, where young people of many different faiths shared in an atmosphere of peace and tolerance. At the end of the meeting, the guests wrote in the life book of the Embassy of Panama and even in Japanese