In Septembre 21st last year, we shared the sad news of the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, the longest-reigning monarch in British history. We also sent a letter of condolence to her son and successor, King Charles III, expressing our sympathy and admiration for his mother’s legacy of peace and dialogue.

We were pleasantly surprised and honored to receive a card from His Majesty himself, thanking us for our kind words and support. The card reads:

“It was so very kind of you to send me such a wonderfully generous message following the death of my beloved mother. Your thoughtful words are enormously comforting, and I cannot tell you how deeply they are appreciated at this time of immense sorrow.”

We are humbled and grateful for this gesture of gratitude from the King, who has shown great strength and dignity in this difficult time. We hope that our letter brought him some solace and reassurance that he is not alone in his grief.

We also hope that this exchange of letters will strengthen the bond between our organization and the British royal family, who have been champions of peace and dialogue for decades. We look forward to working with King Charles III and his family in the future to promote our shared values and vision for a more peaceful world.