We are deeply saddened and shocked by the devastating earthquake that hit Marrakech this week, causing widespread damage and loss of life. Our hearts go out to the victims, their families and the entire community that is suffering from this tragedy.

Youth for Peace is an NGO that works to promote peace, dialogue and social justice among young people in Morocco and beyond. We have been active in Marrakech for several years, organizing workshops, trainings and events to empower youth and foster a culture of nonviolence and tolerance.

We are committed to helping our friends and partners in Marrakech recover from this disaster and rebuild their lives. We are in contact with local authorities and organizations to assess the situation and identify the most urgent needs. We are also mobilizing our network of volunteers and donors to provide humanitarian assistance and psychological support to the affected population.

We need your help to make a difference in this critical time. You can support our relief efforts by making a donation to our bank account:

Account number: MA64 007 570 0001723000306398 28
Bank name: AttijariWafa bank
Swift code: BCMAMAMC

Any amount, no matter how small, will make a huge impact. Your generosity will help us provide food, water, medicine, shelter and other essential items to the people who need them most. Your compassion will also help us offer counseling, trauma healing and peace education to the children and youth who have witnessed this horror.

Together, we can show solidarity and hope to the people of Marrakech. Together, we can help them overcome this crisis and restore their dignity and resilience. Together, we can build a more peaceful and sustainable future for Morocco and the world.

Thank you for your support.